A&D AD-4212A-200 AD-4212A Series Production Weighing System
210 g x 0.001g with RS-232C
brand | AD-4212A Series |
capacity | 210 |
capacity-g | 210 |
legal-for-trade | No |
list-price | 5435.00 |
Manual | AD-4212A-200_Manual.pdf |
manufacturer-part-number | AD-4212A-200 |
model | AD-4212A-200 |
readability | 0.001 |
readability-g | 0.001 |
warranty-covering-parts-and | 5 Year |
Free US FedEx Ground shipping is for online orders greater than or equal to $500 if the item weighs less than 100lbs (actual and dimensional weight) and is inside of the contiguous United States (excluding Hawaii and Alaska).