Torbal 901101 Test Stand
The Torbal FB testing stand optimizes the functionality all FB force gauges up to 100lbF. The stand is built from high quality metals which allow performing high capacity tension and compression measurements. Specially designed mounting plates allow users to easily connect the force gauge and as well as necessary attachments. The stand is equipped with a digital caliper and allows to performing precise measurements at 3mm travel distance per rotation. The maximum travel length is 335mm.
brand | Torbal |
gtin | 728028235258 |
lead-time | 2 |
list-price | 1197.51 |
manufacturer-part-number | 901101 |
model | 901101 |
Free US FedEx Ground shipping is for online orders greater than or equal to $500 if the item weighs less than 100lbs (actual and dimensional weight) and is inside of the contiguous United States (excluding Hawaii and Alaska).