Ohaus 2400-12 Field Test Balance
Ohaus Field Test Scales are ruggedly built and designed for field applications where accurate measurements must be made. Large stabilized pan will hold oversized samples without tipping, and the weighted base keeps the entire scale rock steady. Model 2400-11 permits readings up to 500 g taken from a single slidingweight beam with a readability of 5 g. A set of slotted weights, stored in the base, extend the capacity up to 16 kg. Model 2400-12 has a capacity of 36 lb with a readability of 0.01 lb.
brand | Field Test |
capacity-g | 16000 |
capacity-lb | 36 |
gtin | 30955172613 |
list-price | 2043.00 |
Manual | 2400-12_Manual.pdf |
manufacturer-part-number | 2400-12 |
model | 2400-12 |
part-number | 80000038 |
readability-lb | 0.01 |
Free US FedEx Ground shipping is for online orders greater than or equal to $500 if the item weighs less than 100lbs (actual and dimensional weight) and is inside of the contiguous United States (excluding Hawaii and Alaska).